Friday, November 4, 2016

Brown and pink finished!!

Isn't it exciting when you finish a quilt? I love snuggling up under a newly finished, newly washed quilt!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Top finished!

This is the quilt I am teaching for our homeschool co-op this year. They've been making a block a week and I have rushed ahead to get them all done and together so they can see what they are making. Now it goes in line to quilted. So many little time! Oh and see that little dark blob in upper right corner? That's the plastic rat that the boys got before Halloween to prank their sisters. It seems that the girls are immune to plastic rats so I guess they thought they'd try and scare mom.....boys!!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Camper time!

Our goal with the new camper is to go at least once a month with dh even if its only a few days at a time. This was our week to go. We were right beside a nice greenway so we got lots of walking in after school was done. The temperature has cooled off enough to actually be pleasant. I love fall weather. The only downside was that the stinkbugs were out in full force. We kept finding them inside the camper! Yuck!! Some pictures from our afternoon walks. We averaged about 5 miles on this trail.

And in quilting news I am almost done with this quilt! Two more sides of the border left to crosshatch and then it will be ready for binding! I hope to finish it on retreat this month.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Sometimes you should just quit when you're ahead!

I was working on this DWR again last night. This is a long term project as it will be a king size. I'm also doing it in four sections. I have one section together and quilted. I need three more have section two done. I started tp put them together last night and this is what I did. Since it was so messed up I knew I'd never get it apart without something tearing but then I wasn't just one side piece I have to take off. It's three of them! UGH!!!

So needless to say I stopped for the night. I'm honestly just considering making two more side pieces and tossing this rather than rip this apart.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Not much quilting time lately....

I haven't had time to quilt lately. By the time I sit down at night I am ready for bed and the days have been busy. BUT.....I am going on a quilt retreat soon! A friend and I have decided to do our own retreat. We have a quilt picked out to work on and plan on tackling our massive scrap collections. I already started on mine. So far I've emptied 4 of those big boxes you use to store files in. Cutting down the scraps to manageable sizes takes up SEW much less space! Pictures to come soon.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Blogging again..

I admit I struggle with the privacy issues blogging brings. It makes me kind of nervous sometimes to see comments from strangers. But I'm trying this again.
Here is what is currently on my design curtain.
First is a Double Wedding Ring. It will be a king size and I'm doing it in 4 sections so I can hold it while I handquilt. Section 1 is finished and section 2 needs 3 more blocks then quilting.

Next is an Anvil quilt. I saw the pattern in a magazine from the 90's and just loved it. This will be king size too and honestly after these two I probably won't do anymore king sizes for awhile.

And then there's this. A friend and I are doing a block exchange. We're just making them up as we go and trying to keep colors similar. I made blocks one and three, she made blocks two and four. We'll swap out blocks next week.
This one just got sandwiched this morning. I'm going to quilt it on my Davis NVF. In doing a geneology study we found out we had ancestors that served in the war. My 14yo has been begging for this quilt ever since. I'm planning on just doing an X in each block.
I have a LOT of projects going on lol!