Thursday, August 30, 2018

New sewing machines!

While we were on vacation a couple of machines followed me home! I was browsing FB Marketplace and came across these two for sale. I've wanted the Lotus decals for awhile and the Damascus....well I've never even seen one for sale! So I had to go get them!
Aren't they so pretty? Now to clean them up and get them running.
The Damascus was frozen up. The hand wheel would only make a half turn and then stop and the presser foot would not go down. Both now work and a bobbin has hopefully been found on Ebay. The Singer didn't need any special treatment.

I even broke down and finally bought some TR3 that is supposed to make them shine. It should be here today.

This has been my handquilting project for the summer. As you can see I'm getting lots of help from the resident quilt inspector!
Everything must pass her quality control. She thought my markings on this quilt were a little off so decided to move the ruler just a tad. This one will be a wedding present for dh's boss who is getting married in September. It just needs the binding put on and to be washed.

This one I have been working on all year. Its for my daughter who put everything on hold last year to take care of me and run the house while I was sick. Its a LOT of paper piecing (which I hate) and right now I had to take a break from it. There's a huge mistake in it and I have to work around that because I am simply NOT redoing eleven rows! It is going to be a design change!
To clear my mind from paper piecing and let it rest I'm playing with years of TOGA blocks. So far I like what I have come up with. Its been so fun to pull these out and look at all the different names and types of machines they were made on.
And that's all for today folks!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm hoping to get to all my TOGA and TOBE blocks this winter. I have several different ideas for all of them.
